Portrait of the City

Living in Chemnitz

Museum Gunzenhauser



Our City

Economy and Science

Das Chemnitzer Rathaus


Discover Chemnitz!

Johannisplatz mit Blick zum Roten Turm

You can see modernity and modernism reflected in every aspect of Chemnitz – as an aesthetic principle, in how we think, and in how we act. With ingenuity, passion, and a love of all things beautiful, Chemnitz’s citizens have always been the driving force behind their city’s development.

There’s a lot to discover in Chemnitz: architecturally fascinating buildings from the Gründerzeit period, industrial monuments, and futuristic modern structures. Together, they shape our cityscape and build bridges from the past to the present and on into the future.


Tourist Office

Our Tourist Information Office offers a wealth of services to help you get the most out of your stay in Chemnitz: from booking your hotel to commemorating your visit with a range of beautiful souvenirs. One particular highlight are its series of city tours. From a walk around the town to a geocaching trip or Segway tour: explore the most exciting sides of Chemnitz.

Tourist Information Office

Chemnitz Tourist Information Office
Markt 1 
D-09111 Chemnitz
phone: +49 (0) 371 690-680 
fax: +49 (0) 371 690-6830   

Opening hours
Mon.-Fri.: 10 am - 6 pm
Sat.:       10 am - 4 pm



(only in German)


Chemnitz will be European Capital of Culture in 2025

Chemnitz will be European Capital of Culture in 2025

October 28th, at 1.27 pm, the chairman of the European Jury, Sylvia Amann said the decisive city: "Chemnitz"

With this decision in favor of Chemnitz, a four-year application process comes to an end, which has been supported by many tireless actors, volunteers and civic initiatives. And so it is no coincidence that the program year relies on the makers.
Chemnitz won with an impressive bid book. With the motto “C the unseen”, Chemnitz2025 directs its gaze to the unseen: the unseen of the “quiet center”. The unseen city, the unseen European neighbors, the unseen places and biographies, the unseen talents in each individual.
The program also includes many other unseen cities or regions in Europe, which make a strong statement for democratic coexistence and especially the people who help to live a cosmopolitan community across national borders should be seen.


Chemnitz - the city of makers

“C the unseen” is in Chemnitz's application for European Capital of Culture 2025.

First and foremost, this means the people, the makers who have always shaped the city - with ingenuity, courage, down-to-earthness and foresight.

But “C the unseen” also has to do with the fact that the third largest city in East Germany is not necessarily listed in the “exciting discovery” category.

Parksommer 2020


(only in German)


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